Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How Europe can save the world - (Summary 3)

Part 1:
In this article about the EU initiative, the writer says that the European Union has taken one of the most important commitments in Brussels. According to the writer, the aim of the meeting was to think up an ambitious commitment on tackling climate change and energy security. A brief description follows.

27 countries have decided to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions by 1/5 within a decade to their previous level of 1990. In addition, these countries are already increasing their demand on the renewable energy like water, air and biofuels. It was settled in Brussels that any new power station must be in a superior category level after 2010. One of the good examples was France, since they are depending on nuclear power which is clean and renewable energy. On the other hand, renewable energy will cost the European companies a lot compared to their competitive countries, which might force them to reallocate there operations to different areas which will dramatically affect the European economy. In the end, although renewable energy is expensive, EU countries don’t want to depend on oil and gas forever.

In this summary, if EU and other countries co-operate together to solve the massive problem then, we will be successful to reduce the increases of temperatures and our greenhouse gas emissions.

Part 2:

In this article from The Observer, 2007, the writer talks about 27 countries from EU who decided to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions to the 1990 level in Brussels as well as the other meeting which is to be held in Indonesia. The aim of the meeting was to encourage more countries to co-operate with the EU to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions.

Part 3:

I think this topic is very interesting because it talks about a remarkable movement of some countries to solve a massive problem so, the new generation will be less effected by increases of temperature and the earth will be cleaner. In my opinion, the article is well organized. In addition, the writer mentioned the positives of using new energy and he also mentioned effective use of new energy by the companies. I agree with what David Miliband said if one country starts truly to solve the problem, then the other countries will follow an equivalent strategy. The idea in this article reminds me of a movie called The Inconvenient Truth which talks about a similar project. In contrast, I would like to know how GCC countries are contributing to solve the problem.

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